% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Forbid
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Forbid - ορισμός

Forbid; Forbidden (disambiguation); Forbidden (film); Forbidden (novel); Forbidden (song); Forbidden (album)

·- of Forbid.
II. Forbid ·vt To Accurse; to Blast.
III. Forbid ·vt To Defy; to Challenge.
IV. Forbid ·vt To deny, exclude from, or warn off, by express command; to command not to enter.
V. Forbid ·vi To utter a prohibition; to Prevent; to Hinder.
VI. Forbid ·vt To command against, or contrary to; to Prohibit; to Interdict.
VII. Forbid ·vt To oppose, hinder, or prevent, as if by an effectual command; as, an impassable river forbids the approach of the army.
¦ verb (forbids, forbidding; past forbade -'bad, -'be?d or forbad; past participle forbidden)
1. refuse to allow.
order not to do.
2. make impossible; prevent: the cliffs forbid any easy turning movement.
3. [as adjective forbidden] Physics (of a quantum transition) contrary to a selection rule.
the forbidden degrees the number of steps of descent from the same ancestor that bar two related people from marrying.
forbidden fruit a thing that is desired all the more because it is not allowed. [with biblical allusion to Gen. 2:17.]
God (or Heaven) forbid expressing a fervent wish that something does not happen.
OE forbeodan (see for-, bid2).
v. (formal)
1) to forbid categorically, expressly, outright
2) (H) she has forbidden him to smoke in her presence; I forbid you to take the car



Forbidden may refer to:

Παραδείγματα προφοράς για Forbid
1. Heaven forbid.
2. Heaven forbid.
Mandatory Fun _ Weird Al Yankovic _ Talks at Google
3. God forbid.
4. God forbid.
California Coast Sea Forager's Guide _ Kirk Lombard _ Talks at Google
5. something toxic, god forbid.
Life, Animated _ Ron Suskind _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Forbid
1. "I would completely forbid the use of Jacuzzis," she said.
2. Islam is interpreted to forbid any illustrations of Prophet Muhammad.
3. Heaven forbid they recognize institutions bearing the state flag.
4. God forbid anyone ever gets help with pronunciation.
5. Don‘t be – heaven forbid – the only man in the cabinet.